יום שישי, 5 ביולי 2013


Also with eating problems TAT can help you.
Read this story
בעברית אחרי האנגלית

Anorexia ,no one knew and no one could find a solution, I was very anxious, sad and insecure!

To Dear Chava Spetter

Words are really not enough to truly thank you, nor to describe or illustrate…
When I first came to Chava, I was very anxious, sad and insecure, very emotional and helpless and that was how my days were – how my life was; no self-confidence and not connecting with myself. At first, I was not even aware of my situation (only of one particular problem that I wanted to solve by myself). I had a lot of anger and frustration of which I was unaware. The past traumas of childhood and adolescence were below the surface. I also suffered from a certain physical problem, the cause of which no one knew and no one could find a solution – not even modern medicine. These were cured during the treatment, and I was truly cleansed in a manner that cannot be described in words.
The wonderful thing about the treatment is there is no need to relive the pain of the past experience or to talk about it, or even to know the cause. The subconscious knows all. It knows why you have a specific problem or a certain thought pattern, if you are stuck emotionally or in behavioral traits. It knows the root of one’s suffering and the treatment with TAT cures things without the conscious mind even knowing it. It is fast and specific and everything can be cured! Everything!
The healing method is awesome! A fascinating journey of self-discovery and connection. A healing process of understanding, acceptance and true release!
During the treatment, one also acquires tools for fast and targeted incredible self-help. These tools can be used after treatment as well.
TAT is not painful, it is not difficult to do, and does not necessarily take a long time. Quite the opposite. Things can happen very quickly. The healing is physical, mental and emotional in the best possible way.
Every problem that we have, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, has its own source. We are not at fault and anything can be healed. I thank God so much; he just is good and healing.
Moreover, I thank you, dear and precious Chava. I am now far more relaxed, accept myself and understand myself on a level that I did not know existed. (My physical problem also disappeared, this after having thought that G-d forbid, I could not bear children), childhood traumas disappeared as though they had almost never existed, anger and fear were cleansed my thoughts and mind are now clear and happy, I feel wonderful with a happy and optimistic view that changes everything!
The thing is that did not know previously about the existence of trauma and lies from my past and present , that I was influenced by them and that they affected my perceptions, habits and certain behavioral traits. Before the treatment, I thought that things happen and one moves on with one’s life. Through the treatment with TAT, I realize that the subconscious remembers everything in every cell, in our bodies and our memories. Therefore one needs a thorough healing and internal cleansing because if not, there may be unknown negative factors of which we are unconscious and which run our lives.
The treatment is tranquil, empowering and simple. One really has to experience it to really understand! It is really amazing and I recommend it to everyone! Without exception!
With thanks to the Creator. My self-confidence has returned and is getting stronger by the day and is reaching levels that I could never have imagined previously. I am far more loving, respectful and I understand myself. I am relaxed, happy and satisfied.
Eating disorders

גם בהפרעות אכילה טאט יכול לעזר

אנורקסיה, אף אחד לא ידע ואף אחד לא יחל למצוא פתרון, הייתי מאוד מודאגת, עצובה וחסרת ביטחון!

 היני הסיפור
לחוה ספטר!
מילים לא יוכלו לתאר, להמחיש ולהודות באמת, ובכל זאת...
כשהגעתי לחווה הייתי חרדתית מאוד, עצובה, חסרת בטחון, מאוד רגשית וחסרת אונים ומנוהלת מתוך כך ביום-יום. כל התפקוד שלי היה כזה - חסר בטחון וחוסר חיבור לעצמי. בתחילה אפילו לא הייתי מודעת למצב שלי (רק לבעיה מסוימת אחת שרציתי לפתור עם עצמי). עלו לי הרבה כעסים ותסכולים שכלל לא הייתי מודעת שעדיין קיימים בי, על טראומות עבר מהילדות ומהבגרות שישבו אם מתחת לפני השטח, ובעיה גופנית ספציפית שאיש לא עלה על סיבתה ופתרונה האמיתי (כולל הרפואה), ובמהלך הטיפול נרפאתי והתנקיתי באמת מכל-כך הרבה שאי-אפשר לתאר במילים. הנפלא בטיפול הוא שלא צריך לכאוב מחדש הכל, לא לדבר דווקא יותר מידי או לדעת את סיבת הבעיה. התת-מודע יודע הכל. למה יש לך בעיה מסויימת כיום או דפוס מחשבות/רגשי/התנהגותי שתוקע או מהווה סבל. הטיפול מרפא דברים אפילו בלי לדעת, וזה יכול להיות מהיר ונקודתי. ומהכל ניתן להירפא! מהכל!
הריפוי בשיטה הוא מדהים! מסע של גילוי וחיבור עצמי מרתק. ריפוי של הבנה, קבלה ורוגע אמיתיים!
בנוסף, בטיפול אתה רוכש כלים לעזרה עצמית מהירה וממוקדת ברמות שלא יאמן... גם אחרי הטיפול ובמהלכו, ניתן לעבוד עם הטכניקה לבד.
הטיפול אינו כואב, אינו קשה, ואינו לוקח זמן רב בהכרח. ההפך... דברים גם קורים מאוד מהר. הריפוי הוא פיזי, נפשי, ורגשי כאחד בצורה הכי מלאה שיש.
לכל בעיה שיש בנו – פיזית, נפשית, רגשית, רוחנית- יש מקור. אנחנו לא אשמים ומכל דבר אפשר להירפא. אני מודה כל כך לקב"ה, שהוא רק טוב ומיטיב ומרפא – ואין מציאות אחרת.
ולחווה היקרה והמדהימה כל כך! כיום אני הרבה יותר רגועה, מקבלת את עצמי ומבינה את עצמי ברמות שלא ידעתי שקיימות! (הבעיה הגופנית גם היא הסתדרה – לאחר שכבר חשבתי שלא אוכל ללדת ח"ו), טראומות ילדות נרפאו ברמה של כמעט לא היו כלל... כעסים ופחדים נוקו ממני והתפנה בי מקום ומחשבות נפלאות, רגשות נפלאים וראיה אופטימית ושמחה שמשנה הכל!
הענין הוא שכלל לא ידעתי על קיומן של טראומות ומקרים מן העבר וההווה שהושפעתי מהן וגרמו לי לתפיסות, להרגלים ולהתנהגויות מסויימות – חשבתי שדברים היו ועברו, והמשכתי הלאה בחיי. בטיפול הבנתי שדבר שלא טופל נשאר בתא, בזכרון, בגוף. התת-מודע יודע הכל, וצריך לרפא ולנקות ניקוי פנימי ואמיתי משום שאם לא, יתכן שיש דברים לא טובים שמנהלים אותנו ואינם ידועים.
הטיפול הוא רגוע, מעצים ופשוט... חייבם לחוות כדי להבין באמת! זה כל כך מדהים! מומלץ לכל אדם! בלא יוצא מן הכלל!
תודה לבורא עולם. הבטחון העצמי שלי חזר, חוזר ומתחזק ברמות שלא חשבתי שיקרו. אני הרבה, הרבה, הרבה יותר אוהבת, מכבדת ומבינה את עצמי. אני רגועה ושמחה וטוב לי.

הפרעות אכילה

To Dear Chava Spetter

Words are really not enough to truly thank you, nor to describe or illustrate…
When I first came to Chava, I was very anxious, sad and insecure, very emotional and helpless and that was how my days were – how my life was; no self-confidence and not connecting with myself. At first, I was not even aware of my situation (only of one particular problem that I wanted to solve by myself). I had a lot of anger and frustration of which I was unaware. The past traumas of childhood and adolescence were below the surface. I also suffered from a certain physical problem, the cause of which no one knew and no one could find a solution – not even modern medicine. These were cured during the treatment, and I was truly cleansed in a manner that cannot be described in words.
The wonderful thing about the treatment is there is no need to relive the pain of the past experience or to talk about it, or even to know the cause. The subconscious knows all. It knows why you have a specific problem or a certain thought pattern, if you are stuck emotionally or in behavioral traits. It knows the root of one’s suffering and the treatment with TAT cures things without the conscious mind even knowing it. It is fast and specific and everything can be cured! Everything!
The healing method is awesome! A fascinating journey of self-discovery and connection. A healing process of understanding, acceptance and true release!
During the treatment, one also acquires tools for fast and targeted incredible self-help. These tools can be used after treatment as well.
TAT is not painful, it is not difficult to do, and does not necessarily take a long time. Quite the opposite. Things can happen very quickly. The healing is physical, mental and emotional in the best possible way.
Every problem that we have, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, has its own source. We are not at fault and anything can be healed. I thank God so much; he just is good and healing.
Moreover, I thank you, dear and precious Chava. I am now far more relaxed, accept myself and understand myself on a level that I did not know existed. (My physical problem also disappeared, this after having thought that G-d forbid, I could not bear children), childhood traumas disappeared as though they had almost never existed, anger and fear were cleansed my thoughts and mind are now clear and happy, I feel wonderful with a happy and optimistic view that changes everything!
The thing is that did not know previously about the existence of trauma and lies from my past and present , that I was influenced by them and that they affected my perceptions, habits and certain behavioral traits. Before the treatment, I thought that things happen and one moves on with one’s life. Through the treatment with TAT, I realize that the subconscious remembers everything in every cell, in our bodies and our memories. Therefore one needs a thorough healing and internal cleansing because if not, there may be unknown negative factors of which we are unconscious and which run our lives.
The treatment is tranquil, empowering and simple. One really has to experience it to really understand! It is really amazing and I recommend it to everyone! Without exception!
With thanks to the Creator. My self-confidence has returned and is getting stronger by the day and is reaching levels that I could never have imagined previously. I am far more loving, respectful and I understand myself. I am relaxed, happy and satisfied.

אין תגובות:

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